Mrs Toogood


Miss Parslow


Miss Thomas

SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs Fessey

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Lancaster

Teaching Assistant

Class 2 = France          Class 3 = Italy

  Our PE day is a Wednesday.

A Better Start to Reading | edX

Your child’s book change day is a Thursday. 

Key texts for this term are:

What the Ladybird Heard
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Yucky Worms

Useful links

Term 6 Summary

As Writers, we will be exploring a range of fiction and Non-fiction texts in line with this terms theme ’Amazing Animals’ including Yucky Worms, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and What the Ladybird Heard. We will continue to learn key texts through Drawing Club and Talk for Writing which will support our confidence when writing captions, labels and simple phonetically plausible sentences .

As Readers, we will build on our reading confidence and fluency in order to read longer sentences. We will apply this to our writing by reading back what we have written to check that it makes sense.

As Mathematicians, we will continue to develop our conceptual subitising skills by noticing smaller amounts or patterns within a bigger group and calculating mentally to find the whole. We will also begin to generalise about ‘one more than’ and ‘one less than’ numbers within 10, as well explore sharing and grouping, using language such as equal, unequal, fair and unfair.

As Designers and Chefs, we will design and create our own pizzas.

As Geographers, we will learn about living things and their habitats, gaining an understanding of how environmental conditions must meet an organisms needs in order for them to survive.

As Musicians, we will continue to learn and practice new poems as well as learn a song to perform at our class assembly.

As Historians, we will develop an understanding of where dinosaurs are now and begin to understand that they were alive a long time ago.

As Artists, we will experiment with print using a variety of objects, including natural and man-made after collecting our own natural objects. We will recognise, create and describe printing patterns. We will also learn about the artist ‘Henri Matisse’ and recreate a piece of his artwork called ‘the snail’ using collage techniques.

As Gardeners, we will continue to care for our sunflowers and observe their growth over time.

As Scientists, we will learn about the lifecycle of a butterfly. We will observe the entire transformation from caterpillars to adult butterflies through our very own pop-up butterfly garden habitat!

In PE, we will develop our gross motor skills, balance and co-ordination through outdoor games and the use of equipment.

Our theme in PSHE this term is ‘Changing Me’. We will be exploring ways to keep our bodies healthy and happy and how our bodies grow as we get older. We will also be focussing on our transition to Year 1 and the emotions we may be feeling whilst identifying strategies to manage particular emotions. 


Term 5 Summary

As Writers, we will be exploring some traditional tales including Jack and the Beanstalk, The Gingerbread Man and The Three Little Pigs. We will continue to learn to write captions and simple sentences through Talk for Writing and Drawing Club.

As Readers, we will continue to learn to read simple sentences made up of words with known letter-sound correspondences based on our phonic knowledge. This will build our confidence in word reading and our fluency.

As Mathematicians, we will continue to engage with activities that draw attention to the purpose of counting. We will revisit the concept of cardinality—the idea that the number in the count tells us how many things there are altogether. We will develop our counting skills by organising and counting larger sets of objects.

As Designers, we will create our own gingerbread men by connecting parts together using split pins.

As Chefs, we will be baking our own gingerbread men!

As Geographers, we will look at and compare Bristol with the city of London by exploring the features within both cities. 

As Musicians, we will be listening to a dynamically exciting song called It’s oh so quiet, as well as experiencing the dynamics for ourselves with our bodies, voices and with

As Historians, we will look into the history of schools whilst exploring the similarities and differences between schools now and then.

As Artists, we will look at the life and work of one of the most influential painters—Vincent Van Gogh. We will look at his famous sunflower paintings to influence our own artwork.

As Gardeners, we will plant and grow our own beans and sunflowers.

As Scientists, we will observe the changes that happen over time with our beans and
sunflowers in order to understand what vegetables and plants need to grow. 

In PE, we will be preparing for Sports Day at the end of Term 5.

In Computing, we will apply the skills we have acquired to play educational games on the laptops. We will also develop our understanding of basic coding and directional language through programming the Bee-Bots.

Our theme in PSHE this term is ‘Relationships’. We will be thinking about the relationships we have with our families and friends and how we can resolve any disagreements with greater independence.


Term 4 Summary

As Writers, we will explore a range of fiction and non-fiction texts including Mama Panya’s Pancakes, Tigers and Supertato. We will apply our phonic knowledge to write simple captions and labels.

As Readers, we will learn to read simple phrases and sentences made up of words with known letter-sound correspondences and some common exception words. 

As Mathematicians, we will explore the structure of the numbers 6 and 7 as ‘5 and a bit’ and connect this to finger patterns and the Hungarian number frame. We will understand that two equal groups can be called a ‘double’ and connect this to finger patterns. We will sort odd and even numbers according to their ‘shape’ and we’ll also explore 3D shapes and their properties.

As Geographers, we will continue to investigate maps and use them to compare Bradley Stoke to Bristol City Centre. We will also explore contrasting environments such as Africa and Antarctica.

As Chefs, we will be making our very own pancakes!

As Musicians, we will learn a catchy ‘wake up, shake up’ song with actions, whilst exploring pulse work. We will also have the opportunity to create a sound story with percussion instruments.

As Historians, we will find out how Bailey’s Court has changed over time.

As Artists, we will explore the art of Ester Mahlangu.

As Scientists, we will observe the seasonal changes of winter to spring.

As Designers, we will learn how to use holepunches and treasury tags to join materials together. We will design and create our own books.

As Theologians, we will continue to explore religious beliefs in a thoughtful way. We will explore different festivals and celebrations including: Easter, Shrove Tuesday, St Patrick’s Day and Mother’s Day.

In PE, we will learn to move with increased agility, balance and coordination through a variety games. We will also build on our skills when working co-operatively with a partner and as part of a group.

In Computing, we will build on our knowledge of computing systems and networks. We will log in and out of the laptops independently and will continue to focus on moving the mouse with increased accuracy, including clicking, releasing and dragging.

Our theme in PSHE this term is ‘Celebrating Difference’. We will learn to understand that we are all different, but we can be very similar in some ways. 


Term 3 Summary

As Writers, we will explore a range of texts including Naughty Bus and Whatever Next! We will learn how to write simple CVC words using sounds learnt from Basics 2 and 3.

As Readers, we will continue to learn how to segment and blend sounds in words in order to read. We will be learning the Basics 3 phonemes and Tricky Words following the Supersonic Phonic Friends scheme.

As Mathematicians, we will continue to subitise within 5 as well as matching numerals to quantities. We will also be comparing sets and using language of comparison such as: more than, fewer than, an equal number to.

As Geographers, we will investigate maps and use them to compare our local area to Bristol City Centre.

As Chefs, we will be cooking up our very own Stir Fry!

As Musicians, we will learn to listen to the beat of music and show the beat with actions. We will also have the opportunity to play along to the music using percussion instruments and perform our own sound story as a class.

As Historians, we will be exploring the similarities and differences within modes of transport from the past to present.

As Artists, we will explore the art of Yayoi Kusama’s. We will then create our own artwork inspired by her famous polka dot designs.

As Scientists, we will carry out experiments linked to hygiene and we will learn about the importance of hand washing.

As Designers, we will make use of our PlayPod resources to build models that will support us when role playing characters in stories we have been learning.

As Theologians, we will explore religious beliefs in a thoughtful way.  We will learn about different festivals and celebrations  that take place around the world including Chinese New Year and the Lantern Festival.

In PE, we will develop our control and balance through Gymnastics lessons. We will explore ways to jump, land, roll and move safely with increased confidence.

In Computing, we will explore computing systems and networks. We will learn how to log in and out of the laptops independently. We will also focus on moving the mouse with increased accuracy, including clicking, releasing and dragging.

Our theme in PSHE this term is ‘Healthy Me’. We will learn that we need to exercise to keep our bodies healthy and explore how moving and resting is good for our bodies. We will explore healthy and unhealthy foods so we can make healthy eating choices.


Term 2 Summary

Our topic this term is ‘Let’s Celebrate!’ We will be learning about different celebrations across the world and will be answering some key questions such as: 

  • What different celebrations are there? 
  • Where in the world do the celebrations originate from? 
  • What do people in our class celebrate?

We will also be visiting our local church to learn about the celebrations that take place there.

We will continue to encourage mark making and early writing through Drawing Club and Talk for Writing lessons. These sessions are an interactive way to teach Literacy and enable the children to be enriched with ambitious vocabulary.


In Maths we will continue to develop our subitising and counting skills, identifying whether a set can be subitised or if counting is needed. We will begin to explore the composition of numbers within 5 and spot smaller numbers hiding within bigger numbers. We will also compare sets of objects using the language of comparison.  


In Jigsaw, we will be thinking about our ‘Dreams and Goals.’ We will be learning that perseverance can help us to overcome challenges and will be setting our very own goals to work towards. By the end of our Jigsaw learning this term, we will be able to say how we feel when we achieve a goal and will know what it means to feel proud.  


In PE, we will be focussing on moving with increased agility, balance and coordination. We will also be learning about the importance of keeping healthy and what we can do to contribute to staying healthy. 


We are also looking forward to learning a new Christmas performance and performing to different audiences.

Term 1 Summary

Welcome to Bailey’s Court Primary School! We are all very excited to be supporting your child through their first year at school.

Our first term starts with us getting to know each other and learning the routines and rules of school. During the first weeks, we will explore the whole school and build relationships with key adults. 

The topic for Term 1 is ‘Marvellous Me’. We will be thinking about ourselves and what we are good at; our families and friends; different feelings and emotions and how to stay fit and healthy. 

The children will begin their Phonics learning, where we will be following the Supersonic Phonic Friends scheme. We will begin with Basics 1, which encourages the children to tune in to different sounds within the environment and develop their auditory processing and memory skills. During this phase we will also explore rhyme, rhythm, alliteration and oral segmenting and blending. We will then move onto Basics 2, where the children will apply the skills learnt in Basics 1, and begin to learn the sounds of the English language.

Later in the term, we will be introducing and promoting our ‘message centre’ through a visit from some pirates! The message centre encourages the children to mark-make and give meanings to their marks. This is an early stage of writing. During this time, the children will learn about using ‘snappy fingers’ to hold their pencil. Throughout Term 1, there will be a huge focus on both gross and fine motor development, in preparation for writing. 

We will start our number learning by introducing self-registration; use of the daily calendar; counting songs and rhymes; matching, sorting and comparing objects; exploring patterns and subitising quantities to 3.