Class 4 = Netherlands Class 5 = Denmark
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
SEN Teaching Assistant
Reading Ranger
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Poems to Perform by Julia Donaldson
One Snowy Night by Nick Butterworth
Phonics Play (fun phonics games) Top Marks (Maths games) Counting Counting in 2s Counting in 5s Counting in 10s Number to 10 and 20 practice Maths Place Value game Number Bonds to 10 + 20. Halving and Doubling to 10 |
We’re very excited to share our learning for Term 4 with you.
In our English learning this term we will spend the first few weeks exploring poetry and writing recounts about our school trip to Bristol Zoo Project. After this we will be looking at a wonderful book written by Nick Butterworth- One Snowy Night. We will immerse the children in the text through actions, role play, exploring feelings, character description and high lighting and expanding on key vocabulary.
Towards the second part of the term we will be exploring rhyme and poetry. One of the main authors we will be looking at will be Julia Donaldson.
In Maths, we will be continuing our learning about length and height. We will also further develop our understanding of place value, including counting across 100, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and identifying one more and one less.
We will then introduce the concept of time. We will be learning how to tell the time to the hour and half past using analogue clocks. We will then develop our understanding of weight and volume using the language of mass, capacity and volume.
In Science, we will be developing our understanding of animals. We will be learning all about the different animal groups, how to sort and classify animals based on their features and identify characteristics specific to mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. We will be identifying and sorting animals as carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We will also be learning about a famous scientist, Jane Goodall, and how her findings developed scientific understanding.
In Geography, we will be exploring the main question of ‘What is the weather like in the UK?’ We will be answering this question through:
In Design and Technology, we will be designing and making our own fruit kebabs! The children will learn skills in chopping and slicing, kitchen safety and they will get the opportunity to taste a range of different fruit and vegetables.
This term we will also be doing Jigsaw learning about ‘Celebrating Difference’. In PE we will be developing our Gymnastics and Skipping Skills. Next, in Computing we will be learning how to be safe online, by learning all about being kind to each other online, in the same way we are in person, whilst also continuing to improve our information technology skills!
Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful and restful Christmas break full of wonderful family times!
In English, we will be using the story of Chapatti Moon to inspire us to write instructions. The children will be making chapattis, exploring what instructions need to be successful and then writing how to make a chapatti!
We will then use the story of ‘The Three Little Superpigs’ to learn how to innovate a familiar tale.
In Maths, we will be further developing our understanding of place value, focussing on numbers up to 50 with a particular focus on number bonds to 20, reading and writing numbers in numerals and words and one more/one less. We will then use this knowledge of place value to help us to solve addition and subtraction problems. Finally, we will introduce how to measure length and height using formal and non formal units of measure.
In History, our topic this term is ‘Toys Through Time.’ We are starting our topic with all children bringing in, discussing and writing about their favourite toys. Later in the topic, we will then be using this as a comparison to what a child’s favourite toy may have been in past times. We will be answering questions, such as:
In Science, our focus will be ‘Sensitive bodies.’ We will be exploring this by answering the following study points:
In Religion and Worldviews, we will be learning about the following big questions:
‘What is God’s Job?’
We will answer this main question by answering these:
‘Why should we care for the world?’
We will answer this main question by answering these:
In Art, we will be exploring print. We will be using Banksy’s ‘Girl with a heart balloon’ to inspire us. We will learn about Banksy, design and make a printing block and then print!
In Jigsaw, we will be learning about ‘Healthy Me’. We will be exploring how we can be healthy.
In PE, we will be learning how to dance the Flamenco! We will also be developing our games skills through throwing, catching, kicking and ball control.
In our English learning this term we will be working on our sentence writing skills. To support this learning, we will be studying two books. ‘Beegu’ and ‘Goram and Ghyston: The Bristol Giants’. We will learn actions to the stories to help us remember them so that we can retell a simplified version. We will also be developing our descriptive language and understanding of conjunctions.
Our Maths lessons next term will focus on adding and subtracting numbers and then moving onto developing our understanding of money. We will be ordering coins by their value and solving simple money problems.
In Geography, we will be answering the question ‘What is it like here?’
We will be exploring this overarching question by exploring:
In Science, we will be learning about Everyday Materials. We will be covering this by exploring these headings:
In Design and Technology we will be creating our own decorations. The children will be learning different types of stitches and will then explore ways to decorate their decorations. We will be following the plan, do, review cycle.
In Art we will be exploring sculpture. We will be using Beegu as our inspiration to build our very own clay alien. We will also looking at Grayson Perry’s Alien Baby sculpture to inspire our learning.
In Music, we will be using ‘Colonel Hathi’s March’ to explore beat, pitch, timbre and composition. We will also be responding to the music through movement.
This term we will also be doing Jigsaw learning about ‘Dreams and Goals.’.
In PE we will be developing our Gymnastics and Games Skills.
In Computing we will be learning how to be alert online, recognising what’s safe and what isn’t, whilst also continuing to improve our skills of logging onto the computer independently and our information technology skills!
Welcome to Year 1! We hope you had a wonderful Summer holiday! We can’t wait to share all of our amazing learning with you!
At the start of our term, our main focus will be introducing the children to the school’s learning skills. These are central to our life at Bailey’s Court and are what makes us a very special school. They are:
We will also be introducing the children to Gem Power. Gem Power is aimed at developing the children’s resilience and confidence. The gems are:
The children will have the opportunity to earn gems for the class throughout the year and these will lead to rewards!
We will also be introducing our Reading Rewards, where the children can earn free books for being amazing readers. The initial target is 30 reads. Hopefully we can give out some free books by the end of term!
Now the children have entered Key Stage 1, their learning will be based on the National Curriculum. This means that they will be explicitly learning subjects such as History, Science and Geography. We will be discussing what these are with the children, understanding why we learn them and the concepts for each subject.
In English we will begin by building our understanding of captions, lists and labels. We will then explore the book ‘A Super Power Like Mine’ by Dr Ranj and begin to write simple sentences. Following this learning, we will then use the story ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin to inspire our sentence writing. This book will also be used to introduce ‘Black History Month’ in October. Our final book of Term 1 is ‘Seasons’ by Hannah Pang. This will be used to develop our understanding of Non-Fiction. We will end this unit by writing a short fact file about a chosen season.
In Maths we will be developing our understanding of place value, including identifying one more/less, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and using the language of more/less/equal. We will also be exploring the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
In History we will be exploring the question ‘How am I making History?’ and exploring the key concepts of chronological awareness, similarities and differences and sources of evidence. To do this, we will be answering these questions:
In Science we will be exploring Seasonal Changes. We will be exploring the key concepts of Scientific knowledge and understanding, science in action and working scientifically. To do this we will be learning about these areas:
In Religion and Worldviews we will be developing our understanding of different beliefs and developing respect for each other. We will be learning about different creation stories (including Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Scientific) and sharing what we believe. We will be answering these questions:
In Computing we will be learning about simple coding and will be introduced to the ‘Be Internet Legends’ programme of study where we will be finding out how to stay safe on line. Our focus for this term will be ‘Be Sharp’.
In PE we will be building our gross motor skills through team building games and will also be learning how to be cheerleaders!
In Jigsaw we will be covering the topic ‘Being me in my world.’ We will be introducing the children to Jigsaw Jack and exploring our Rights and Responsibilities.