Class 10 = Canada Class 11 = Iceland
Teaching Assistant
Reading Ranger
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The Creakers by Tom Fletcher
Maths Homework –
History –
Science –
Science: Forces
Geography –
This term, the children are doing their first Year 3 Geography unit and the question this term is ‘Why do people live near volcanoes?. Each lesson, we will focus on a different key question, to eventually be able to answer this question. Our other key questions throughout the term will be:
This term in Science we will be looking at forces and magnets, with a focus on friction and investigating the strength of magnets and how they are used in the real world.
We will start the term by learning how to write a set of instructions which links to our DT project of making packaging for chocolate truffles that will be made by following a simple recipe.
In Art we will be learning to join clay so that we can make and decorate our own coil pots.
In PE we will be learning some net games skills and the Enrichment team will be teaching gymnastics.
Term 2 Jigsaw theme – Dreams and Goals
Our whole school Jigsaw theme this term is ‘Dreams and Goals’ and lessons are delivered in an age-and-stage appropriate way for each year group from EYFS through to Year 6. This theme aims to help children think about their hopes and dreams, their goals for success, what personal strengths are and how to overcome challenges via team-work skills and tasks. Children learn about experiencing and managing feelings of pride, ambition, disappointment and success. They will have opportunities to share their aspirations, explore the dreams and goals of others in different cultures/countries and think about their own dreams for the world.
If you have any further questions regarding our ‘Dreams and Goals’ Jigsaw unit, please contact your child’s class teacher using the school email address.
To start the first term we will be focusing on the whole school learning skills and learning a bit about our class countries, Class Iceland and Class Canada.
Bailey’s Court Leaning skills include:
Our History is all about: Would you prefer to live in the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age?
The key questions we will be investigating are:
Our Science is all about: Movement and nutrition. This will include learning about skeletons, muscles and balanced diets alongside developing scientific skills such as sorting, comparing and questioning data.
This term we will be exploring the question ‘What makes us human?’ in Religion and Worldviews. This will include interpreting and using art to express beliefs about spirituality, inner self and the soul.
Also in this term we will be looking at water colour painting and looking at the artist Paul Klee. We will start our first unit of French, and playing some invasion games in PE.
Term 1 will have our first visit to Hortham Farm for some exciting forest school sessions.