Class 6 = Wales              Class 7 = Peru

Mr Stephens


Mr Anderton


Mrs Roy

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Eccott

SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jain

SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs Stephens

Interventions Teacher

Mrs Thompson

Reading Ranger

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  Our PE days are Thursday & Friday.

A Better Start to Reading | edX

Our book change day is a Wednesday.

Our class books are:

Dragon Mountain – Katie & Kevin Tsang

Matilda – Roald Dahl

Useful links

Term 6 Summary

The intention of both History and Science topics this term, is to encourage the children to make connections with their previous learning in the subjects.

Our History topic in term 6 is “How did the achievements of the Ancient Maya impact their society and beyond?”

By investigating historical and archaeological evidence, we will explore the achievements of ancient peoples like the Maya. Also, by making inferences and observing artefacts, we will study the Ancient Maya’s settlements in rainforests; the cultural significance of chocolate and the impact of their beliefs, inventions and decline within and beyond their society.


In Science, we will be investigating the question: “how does the flow of liquids compare?”  After revising the states of matter, we will consider methods for measuring how liquids flow differently from each other. We will then plan and execute an enquiry, considering different ways of representing data to support a conclusion. Finally, after revisiting the digestive system, we will explore how the flow of different liquids should be considered when producing different medicines.


In French, we will learn ten familiar activities that they are able or are not able to do in French. The children will be introduced to the negative form, allowing them to build more interesting and complex sentences including the option of using conjunctions.


We will also have our final swimming sessions of the year on the week beginning 15th July (Monday to Thursday).

Term 5 Summary

Our Geography topic this term is “What are rivers and how are they used?”  We will start by recapping our learning from Science on the water cycle before learning how rivers are formed and locating some of the world’s longest rivers on maps.  We will explore how humans use rivers and then use field-skills to explore a water-course in the local environment.

In Science, our topic is “Classification and changing habitats.”  We will investigate vertebrates and invertebrates  before exploring how plants can be classified.  The children will be encouraged to make careful observations and use classification keys to identify species.  We will then go onto exploring different habitats and their inhabitants and consider the impact of seasonal change on these.   We will finish this unit by exploring the natural and human factors that affect different habitats.

In Design Technology, we will investigate what is meant by the term, “seasonal food”, before considering the differences between fruit and vegetables.  We will then plan and cook a dish containing a seasonal fruit or vegetable.

In Art, we will be looking at the paintings of Claude Monet.  In doing so, we will explore impressionism before creating our own artwork inspired by Monet’s work.

In our Jigsaw lessons, we will be focussing on the topic,”Relationships”.  Here, we will explore themes of coping with jealousy, love and loss, memories, getting on and falling out and knowing how to show love and appreciation to people and animals.

We will continue our investigation into how Jewish people show their commitment to God.

We will be returning to Forest School in the week beginning 22nd April.

We will also be swimming every afternoon of the week beginning May 13th.

Term 4 Summary

Our History topic next term is “”How hard was it to invade and settle in Britain?”

Developing our understanding of why people invade and settle, we will learn about the Anglo-Saxon invasion and Viking raids. We will also learn about Anglo-Saxon beliefs and how Christianity spread. We will investigate Anglo-Saxon settlements and investigate how the period of Anglo-Saxon rule came to end.

In Science, our topic is “Sound and Vibrations”.

Exploring different ways of producing sounds, children will learn about the relationship between vibrations and what they hear. We will use examples of dolphins and whales to develop their understanding of how sound travels between objects and investigate the role of insulation to protect our ears. We will explore how pitch and volume can be altered and make our own musical instruments to demonstrate these principles.

Our whole school Jigsaw theme this term is ‘Celebrating Difference’. This theme focuses on similarities and differences and teaches about diversity, such as disability, racism, power, friendships, and conflict. Children learn to accept everyone’s right to ‘difference’, and most year groups explore the concept of ‘normal’; bullying (what it is and what it isn’t, including cyber and homophobic bullying) is an important aspect of this theme.

In Maths, we will be focusing on statistics, measurements and division in term 4.  We will be exploring bar charts, time graphs, pictograms and tables and learning how to interpret the information that they show.  We will be learning how to tackle problems involving money and time as well as developing our understanding of division using a formal written method.

In English, we will be developing our skills of writing and accurately punctuating direct speech as well as learning how to use apostrophes accurately to show singular and plural possession.  

During the week beginning Monday 26th February, Year 4 will be visiting Hortham Woods for two Forest School sessions.  Mr Stephens’ class will be visiting the woods on Monday 26th February and Tuesday 27th February, while Mr Anderton’s class will be going on Wednesday 28th February and Friday 1st March.

We will also be visiting MOJO Active to take part in team-building and adventurous activities on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th March.  Year 4 will also be visiting the St Werburgh’s climbing wall for three successive sessions over the course of the term.

Term 3 Summary

Our Geography topic this term is “Where does our food come from?”.  We will be looking at the distribution of the world’s biomes and mapping food imports from around the world.  We will investigate learning Fair Trade, focusing on Côte d’Ivoire and cocoa beans in particular.  We will also be exploring where the food for the children’s school dinners comes from and the argument of ‘local versus global’.

In Science, we will be investigating “States of Matter”. By investigating the properties of solids, liquids and gases, children will learn about the different states of matter. They will explore changes of state using relatable examples and use this to explain changes to water through the water cycle. The children will also investigate the relationship between temperature and the rate of evaporation while broadening their experience of working scientifically. 

In English, we will be writing in response to “Mouse, Bird, Snake, Wolf” by David Almond and Dave McKean. The children will be asked to create and describe a new creature and will learn how to develop and write a balanced argument.

We will also be starting our exciting new Spelling scheme – SuperSonic Spelling.

In Maths, we will be covering a range of topics including: fractions (recognising common equivalent fractions; adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator; tenths and hundredths); decimals (recognising decimal equivalents to tenths and hundredths; dividing a one and two-digit number by 10 and 100) and interpreting bar graphs, pictograms, tables and other types of graph.

In Art, we will be investigating the Pop Art movement and focusing on the artwork of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein.

Term 2 Summary

Our History topic for this term is “How have children’s lives changed?”   We will learn how children’s spare time, health and work have changed. The children will  explore the most crucial change – work – in more detail, learning about a day in the life of a working child and the significance of Lord Shaftesbury and his impact. Over the course of this unit of study, the children will be asked to make observations and deductions from historical sources and to make comparisons between different periods of time.

In Science, we will be exploring electricity and circuits. Children will learn how to work with electricity safely and build circuits. We will investigate electrical conductors and insulators and explore the relationship between the number of cells and bulb brightness. We will investigate real scenarios and historical discoveries to inform children about scientific progression and home safety.

The children will go on to use their knowledge of electricity and circuits to help them design and build alarm systems in Design and Technology.

Our French topic this term is “Les Animaux”.  We will learn to name and recognise ten animals in French.  In doing so, the children will practise their pronunciation, spelling and the use of the correct determiner and will build up to using simple phrases.  We will use games, puzzles, missing word activities and word searches to help us secure our understanding.


Term 2 Jigsaw theme – Dreams and Goals

Our whole school Jigsaw theme this term is ‘Dreams and Goals’ and lessons are delivered in an age-and-stage appropriate way for each year group from EYFS through to Year 6. This theme aims to help children think about their hopes and dreams, their goals for success, what personal strengths are and how to overcome challenges via team-work skills and tasks. Children learn about experiencing and managing feelings of pride, ambition, disappointment and success. They will have opportunities to share their aspirations, explore the dreams and goals of others in different cultures/countries and think about their own dreams for the world.

If you have any further questions regarding our ‘Dreams and Goals’ Jigsaw unit, please contact your child’s class teacher using the school email address.

Term 1 Summary

Our Geography topic this term is “Why are rainforests important to us?”.  We will be developing the children’s understanding of biomes, ecosystems and tropics.  The children will be mapping features of the Amazon rainforest and learning about its layers; investigating how communities in Manaus use the Amazon’s resources; discussing the global human impact on the Amazon and carrying out fieldwork to compare and contrast two types of forest.

In Science, our focus will be on “Animals: Digestion and Food”.  Children will learn the functions of key organs in the digestive system; the types of human teeth and we will investigate factors that impact our dental health.  We will also compare human teeth to those of other animals and make deductions as to the animal’s diet.

In English we will be reading “Jemmy Button” by Jennifer Uman, Alix Barzalay and Valerio Vidali.  We will discuss issues raised in the story and the children will be encouraged to express their opinion both orally and in writing.  We will also use the story to inspire the children’s creative, descriptive writing.  Later this term, we will be learning how to write clear explanation texts through our science focus on digestion.  

This term’s Maths will focus on the place value of numbers with up to 4-digits.  In doing so, children will be asked to order and compare numbers; count on and back in multiples and solve problems involving place value.  We will then move onto learning formal columnar methods for addition and subtraction.  Throughout the term, we will learn and practise the times tables up to 12x.

In Religious Education we will focus on Judaism and the relationship between God and the Jewish people.

For Art, we will be investigating the jungle-inspired paintings of Henry Rousseau.  We will then use these as inspiration for our own printed artwork.

Our Physical Education will focus on developing the children’s gymnastic skills as well as learning how to use a tennis racket with increasing confidence and accuracy.