Class 15 = Jamaica              Class 16 = Egypt

Miss Hendricks


Mrs Weeks


Mrs Sims


Mr Handley

Interventions Teacher

Mrs Evans

Reading Ranger

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  Our PE days for Term 4 are Monday & Friday.  

A Better Start to Reading | edX

Our book change day is a Wednesday.

Our class books are:

I swapped My Brother on the Internet by Jo Simmons

Useful links


Times Tables Rock Stars (

Times Tables Games for 7 to 11 year olds ( 

Times tables games and songs 1-12 – BBC Bitesize



Electricity – KS2 Science – BBC Bitesize

Science KS2: What is electricity? – BBC Teach

Science KS1/KS2: How is electricity made? – BBC Teach

How do you draw electrical symbols and diagrams? – BBC Bitesize


History KS2: The Victorians – BBC Teach

KS2 History: Dodger’s guide to being a Victorian kid – BBC Teach

Life in Tudor times – Key Stage 2 History – BBC Teach

What did children do in the 1940s? – BBC Bitesize

Term 4 Summary

This term we are moving on to an exciting new history unit called ‘How hard was it to invade and settle in Britain? We will be learning all about: Explain how the Britons felt when the Romans left Britain,  the key features of Anglo-Saxon settlements, how Anglo-Saxon beliefs changed. We will be exploring questions such as: Who were the anglo saxons and the scots? What did anglo-saxon settlements look like? Was King Alfred really ‘Great’?

In our science learning this term we will be exploring volume, pitch and how sound travels. Taking a closer look at volume and pitch, sound waves and sound insulation. 

Nearing the end of term we will also be going on a year group trip to The Wild Place. This will be our introduction to our term 5 science topic Living things: habitats and animal classification.

Alongside this, we will be having our second set of forest school sessions. We cannot wait to be back exploring the forest and cooking up some fire cooked meals.

In PE we will be looking at developing our skipping skills inside. Outside we will be working on our striking and fielding. In addition to this, every other Friday the children will have the chance to test out their climbing skills!

Term 3 Summary

In Science this term we will be exploring states of matter and changing states by looking at solids, liquids and gases and their properties. We will be describing melting, freezing, condensing and evaporating, investigating the different stages of the water cycle and describing how temperature affects the rate of evaporation and, therefore, the water cycle.

We will be looking at the following states of matter:

  • Solids
  • Liquids and gases
  • Melting and freezing
  • Condensing and evaporating 
  • The water cycle 
  • Climate change and the water cycle 

In RE this term we will be asking the question ‘What makes some texts sacred?’ We will explore the answer to this question through the lens of lots of different religions and beliefs. 

In Geography, we will be answering the question ‘Where does our food come from?’ We will be locating North and South America on a map, investigate climate zones, learn about biomes and use the term Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

Our key questions will be:

  •  How can our food choices impact the environment?
  • What does it mean to trade responsibly?
  • How do we get our chocolate?
  • Where does our food come?
  • Are our school dinners locally sourced?
  • Is it better to buy lock or imported food?

In Art, we will continue our study of different artists and take an in depth look at Andy Warhol. We will look at the different techniques he used in his Pop Art Series. 

In Jigsaw, our PSHE topic will be Keeping Healthy. Our lessons will cover how to stay healthy both physically and mentally. We will learn good practices for maintaining a good level of health and well-being, how different factors can affect our bodies and strategies to overcome this

Term 2 Summary

Our History topic for this term is “How have children’s lives changed?”   We will learn how children’s spare time, health and work have changed. The children will  explore the most crucial change – work – in more detail, learning about a day in the life of a working child and the significance of Lord Shaftesbury and his impact. Over the course of this unit of study, the children will be asked to make observations and deductions from historical sources and to make comparisons between different periods of time.

In Science, we will be exploring electricity and circuits. Children will learn how to work with electricity safely and build circuits. We will investigate electrical conductors and insulators and explore the relationship between the number of cells and bulb brightness. We will investigate real scenarios and historical discoveries to inform children about scientific progression and home safety.

In Design and Technology we will be recapping on stitches we learned in Year 3, learning new ones and using our skills to sew Christmas stockings! 

Our French topic this term is “Les Peux”.In this unit pupils will learn 10 familiar activities that they are able or are not able to do in French. This is one of the first units introducing the negative form, allowing the children to build more interesting and complex sentences including the option of using conjunctions

Term 2 Jigsaw theme – Dreams and Goals

Our whole school Jigsaw theme this term is ‘Dreams and Goals’ and lessons are delivered in an age-and-stage appropriate way for each year group from EYFS through to Year 6. This theme aims to help children think about their hopes and dreams, their goals for success, what personal strengths are and how to overcome challenges via team-work skills and tasks. Children learn about experiencing and managing feelings of pride, ambition, disappointment and success. They will have opportunities to share their aspirations, explore the dreams and goals of others in different cultures/countries and think about their own dreams for the world.

If you have any further questions regarding our ‘Dreams and Goals’ Jigsaw unit, please contact your child’s class teacher using the school email address.

Term 1 Summary

Our Geography topic this term is “Why are rainforests important to us?”.  We will be developing the children’s understanding of biomes, ecosystems and tropics.  The children will be mapping features of the Amazon rainforest and learning about its layers; investigating how communities in Manaus use the Amazon’s resources; discussing the global human impact on the Amazon and carrying out fieldwork to compare and contrast two types of forest.


In Science, our focus will be on “Animals: Digestion and Food.”  Children will learn the functions of key organs in the digestive system; the types of human teeth and we will investigate factors that impact our dental health.  We will also compare human teeth to those of other animals and make deductions as to the animal’s diet.


In English we will be reading “Jemmy Button” by Jennifer Uman, Alix Barzalay and Valerio Vidali.  We will discuss issues raised in the story and the children will be encouraged to express their opinion both orally and in writing.  We will also use the story to inspire the children’s creative, descriptive writing.  Later this term, we will be learning how to write clear explanation texts through our science focus on digestion.  


This term’s Maths will focus on the place value of numbers with up to 4-digits.  In doing so, children will be asked to order and compare numbers; count on and back in multiples and solve problems involving place value.  We will then move onto learning formal columnar methods for addition and subtraction.  Throughout the term, we will learn and practise the times tables up to 12x.

In Religion & Worldviews our question is ‘Are all religions equal?’ We will be looking at similarities and differences between the ways people from different worldviews understand God. Expressing ideas creatively about how and why World Religion Day is important and making links between our work and learning from previous lessons.