Class 15 = Jamaica    Class 16 = Malaysia

Miss Hendricks


Mrs McClelland


Mrs Weeks


Mrs Roy

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Eccott

SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs Salisbury

SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs Kroll

SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs Mirreh

SEN Teaching Assistant

Mr Handley

Interventions Teacher

Mrs Clayton

Reading Ranger

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  Our PE days are Monday & Friday.

A Better Start to Reading | edX

Our book change day is a Thursday.

Our class book is:

– Thomas Taylor

Useful links

Term 6 Summary


In English, we will be reading the story ‘Tom’s Midnight Garden’, the book will be presented out in graphic novel form. This will give the children a chance to be exposed to a different type of text. 



In our final term of the year, we will be switching back to Geography for the last time. Our Geography key question will be ‘Would you like to live in the desert?’ We will be looking at where deserts are located and their physical features, how people use deserts, what threats there are in the desert and finally answering the question, would we like to live in a desert?


Design and Technology

We will be investigating bridges in Design Technology.  In particular, we will explore different bridge designs and investigate what gives these structures their strength.  The final challenge for the children will be to create a bridge which needs to satisfy clear design criteria.



In our French lessons the children will  develop the knowledge and skills to present both orally and in written form about how to introduce ourselves in French.



This term’s focus in PSHE is “Changing Me”. Over the course of the term, the children will learn about the physical and emotional changes they will experience when they reach puberty.

Term 5 Summary

Welcome to Term 5!

In English, we will be studying Alfred Noyes’ classic narrative poem “The Highwayman”.  Over the course of three weeks we will unpicking Alfred Noyes’ use of descriptive devices such as metaphors, similes and personification. The children will be exposed to a rich source of vocabulary whilst engaging with an enthralling story, which offers a range of writing opportunities.  

In Science, we will be studying imbalanced forces. Building on their knowledge of forces, children explore gravity, air resistance and water resistance in more depth and consider the effect of these forces being imbalanced. They demonstrate key principles in the classroom and plan investigations to further their understanding of the effects of these forces. Pupils test their ideas using models and compete to build the most effective pulley system. 

In History, we will be answering the question: ‘How did the Maya civilisation compare to the Anglo-Saxons?’ We will describe the key physical features of the Maya civilisation, sequence the key periods in the Maya civilisation, identify periods that were happening in Britain at the same time, explain the challenges facing the Maya in the rainforest, name the features of Maya houses, identify the similarities and differences between Maya and Anglo-Saxon houses and much, much more!

Our Design and Technology project this term is always  popular with the children!  Over the course of the term they will be asked to design and then make their perfect burger.  In doing so, they will need to analyse every aspect of the burger from the bun, pattie (meat or vegetarian), sauces and side dishes.  As well as learning how to prepare and cook their burger pattie and assemble their finished design, the children will be encouraged to make nutritional considerations.  Finally, they will need to assess the success of their design and reflect on any improvements that they would make next time.

In Computing this term we will be using Scratch to code our own music. The children will use preloaded musical instruments and sounds to create a piece of music. We will also spend some time on recording our own sounds to add another layer to our music. 

Our whole school Jigsaw theme this term is ‘Relationships’ and lessons are delivered in an age-and-stage appropriate way for each year group from EYFS through to Year 6. This theme has a wide focus looking at diverse topics such as families, friendships, pets and animals, and love and loss. A vital part of this theme is about safeguarding and keeping children safe; this links to cyber safety and social networking, as well as attraction and assertiveness; children learn how to deal with conflict, their own strengths and self-esteem. They have the chance to explore roles and responsibilities in families, and look at stereotypes.

If you have any further questions regarding our ‘Relationships’ Jigsaw unit, please contact your child’s class teacher using the school email address.

Our indoor PE lessons will continue to focus on our dance and movement skills. In outdoor lessons, we will be practising athletic skills for Sports Day. 

Term 4 Summary

In Term 4, our Science topic is Life Cycles and Reproduction. We will be learning about a range of animal life cycles such as mammals and birds and comparing how they reproduce, as well as plants. This will include dissecting different plants to see the differences and similarities between them. 

In Geography, our focus question is, “Why our Oceans Matter”. The key questions we will be looking at are: 

  • How do we use our oceans?
  • What is the Great Barrier Reef?
  • Why are our oceans suffering?
  • What can we do to help our oceans? 
  • How littered is our marine environment?


In Art we will be looking at the artist Georgia O’Keeffe and creating our very own Georgia O’Keeffe inspired artwork, as well as learning about her as an artist. 

On Thursday 22nd February we will be having ‘We the Curious’ coming into school for 2 workshops on ‘Destination Space’ and ‘Fantastic Forces’.

Week beginning the 18th March, both classes will be heading back to Forest School. Class 15 will be going on the 18th and 19th. Class 16 will be going on the 21st and 22nd. 

Our outdoor PE sessions will focus on striking and fielding skills. Our indoor sessions will be learning dance routines. 

Our whole school Jigsaw theme this term is ‘Celebrating Difference’ and lessons are delivered in an age-and-stage appropriate way for each year group from EYFS through to Year 6. This theme focuses on similarities and differences and teaches about diversity, such as disability, racism, power, friendships, and conflict. Children learn to accept everyone’s right to ‘difference’, and most year groups explore the concept of ‘normal’; bullying (what it is and what it isn’t, including cyber and homophobic bullying) is an important aspect of this theme.

Term 3 Summary

This term, the children are doing a History unit and the question this term is ‘What did the Greeks ever do for us?’. Each lesson, we will focus on a different key question, to eventually be able to answer this question. Our other key questions throughout the term will be:

  • Who were the Greeks and when did they live? 
  • What did the Greeks believe?  
  • How was Ancient Greece governed?  
  • Did the Ancient Greeks give us democracy? 
  • How did Greek philosophers influence us? 


In Science we will be learning about Earth and Space, with a focus on learning about Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system, the movement and shapes of the celestial bodies in our Solar System, day and night, the Moon and satellites and space junk. 

We are very excited to be part of the ‘Tackling Numeracy’ project with Bristol Bears this term. We will have visiting coaches come in to teach our Outdoor PE sessions and also one maths session a week based on rugby.

In French we will be studying a unit called ‘Ma Familila’ where we will be playing games, puzzles and
completing speaking and written activities. 

In Art we will be finding out all about the artist Peter Thorpe and looking at his space art. 

This term we will also be working towards our Enterprise Event. The children are involved in every aspect of this event from the planning to the organising. More information to follow soon! 

Term 2 Summary

Our Geography topic for this term is “What is life like in The Alps?”   We will learn to locate The Alps on a world map, locate three physical and three human characteristics in the Alps.and to research and describe the physical and human features of Innsbruck.Over the course of this unit of study, the children will be asked to compare the human and physical geography of their local area and Innsbruck.

In Science, we will be exploring materials: properties and changes. Children will learn to determine the hardness of different materials and link this to their uses, explore the transparency of different materials and link this to their uses and to demonstrate, identify and describe reversible and irreversible changes.

In Design and Technology we will be learning new stitches, building on our previous learning in years 3 and 4, and designing and making our own drawstring bags. We will be inviting parents and carers in to join in with the sewing fun, so if you have any sewing skills please check our Year 5 update emails for more information! 

In PE we will be learning gymnastics and invasion games. 

PSHE Term 2 Jigsaw theme – Dreams and Goals

Our whole school Jigsaw theme this term is ‘Dreams and Goals’ and lessons are delivered in an age-and-stage appropriate way for each year group from EYFS through to Year 6. This theme aims to help children think about their hopes and dreams, their goals for success, what personal strengths are and how to overcome challenges via team-work skills and tasks.

Children learn about experiencing and managing feelings of pride, ambition, disappointment and success. They will have opportunities to share their aspirations, explore the dreams and goals of others in different cultures/countries and think about their own dreams for the world.

If you have any further questions regarding our ‘Dreams and Goals’ Jigsaw unit, please contact your child’s class teacher using the school email address.

Term 1 Summary

To kick start our year, we will be spending the first week learning all about our different countries, Class Jamaica will be exploring Jamaican food, reggae music and landscape. Class Malaysia will be exploring Malaysian fashion, food and culture. We will also be focusing on our school learning skills and doing some lessons around these, such as the egg cup challenge for teamwork! Our learning skills are:

  • Show resilience
  • Can work in teams
  • Communicate effectively
  • Always show curiosity
  • Are ready to learn
  • Make connections
  • Show creativity
  • Take responsibility
  • Can be independent learners


For our topic learning the focus will be on ‘What was life like in Tudor England?’ This will involve the following key questions:

Fair ruler or tyrant? What was Henry VIII really like? 

Why was Anne Boleyn killed?

Why did Henry VII have so many wives? 

What was a Royal Progress and what was it like?

What can inventories tell us about what life was like in Tudor times?

For our first term in Year 5 we will be transported back to Tudor England. We will learn to use historical sources to extract information about Henry VIII, interpret information about Anne Boleyn and make deductions using inventories. 

In Science we will be learning about mixtures and separation and conducting our own experiments. We will suggest which variables to change, measure and control when investigating how temperature affects the time taken to dissolve. We will also be using our researching skills and discovering about different materials and their properties. 

One of our English units will be based around Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone which is also our Class Book. We will be using descriptive language to showcase key parts in the story such as Diagon Alley and Hogwarts.