Class 13 = Nepal                Class 14 = Australia

Mr Higginson


Miss Glover


Mrs Telfer

Interventions Teacher

Mrs Wakefield

SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs Tovey

SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs Brand

SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs Salisbury

SEN Teaching Assistant

Mrs Evans

Reading Ranger

Click here to view the

  Our PE days are Wednesday & Thursday.

A Better Start to Reading | edX

Our book change day is a Tuesday.

Our class book is:

The Final Year
– Matthew Goodfellow

Useful links

Year 6 useful websites: 

BBC Bitesize –

Year 2 SATs – Year 6 SATs – KS1 SATs – KS2 SATs – English SATs – Maths SATs – SATs Revision Practice – BBC Bitesize

List of recommended books for Year 6 children to read

Best Books for Year 6 | Ages 10-11 Recommended Reads | BooksForTopics

English games, including SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar)

Spelling and Grammar, English Games for 7-11 Years – Topmarks

Website to practise different maths skills:

IXL – Place values (Year 6 maths practice)

Maths booklets for children to practise the Year 6 maths curriculum 

Parent resources | Maths workbooks | White Rose Maths

Information about Year 6 SATs tests

Key stage 1 and 2 national curriculum tests: information for parents – GOV.UK (

Term 6 Summary

After all our hard work in Term 5, Year 6 will have an exciting summer term. We have our school trip to Ashton Court, a BBQ and a memorable water fight. Alongside this, we will be preparing for our end of year performance. All will be revealed nearer the time…


Alongside this, we will also be going to Mojo Active during the first week of term. Year 6 also have their forest school sessions coming up, where we will be making our own fires and cooking food on them.


We will be working hard on our writing at the start of Term 6. We will be watching Alma and writing a narrative based on the short film. Once we have edited and revised our work, we will be publishing our own copies.


In DT, we will be making memory boxes.We will be using our woodwork skills: sawing, measuring, glueing and painting.


This term’s focus in PSHE is “Changing Me”. Please check the lesson support information sheet for more information on what will be.


In History, we will be investigating why historical figures are on banknotes. Children learn about the criteria for historical significance. They will participate in a tennis rally debate and create a video to explain why their historical figure was significant, before selecting a historical figure for the £10 note.

Term 5 Summary

With SATs quickly approaching (w/c 13th May), we will be working hard to revise all of our maths and grammar skills we have learnt this year. We will be using our grammar skills to apply them to a range of pieces of writing. We will be looking at the book Alma and writing our own narrative based on ‘The Promise’. 

Please take a look at the websites to support your child at home.

In Science we will be studying the human circulatory system, children learn about the role of the heart, blood and blood vessels and use models to demonstrate their function. We will explore how lifestyle choices affect our health and use secondary sources to advise patients. Children devise their own investigation to look at the relationship between exercise and heart rate, applying their knowledge of variables and then analysing secondary data to understand fitness better. 

In Geography, we will be planning and carrying out our own independent enquiry, where children will explore an issue in their local area. They will develop an enquiry question, design their own data collection methods, and then record, analyse and present their findings.

During our indoor PE sessions, we will be continuing with our Dance unit. Outside, we will be working on our sports day skills getting ready for the big day!

In our Jigsaw lessons, we will be focussing on the topic,”Relationships”.  Here, we will explore themes of mental health, love and loss, being safe on the internet and power and control.

Term 4 Summary

In History, we are investigating local history during the Victorian period. We will carry out an enquiry using the census, parish register, and factory records. We will learn about the changes to the family over a period of time and suggest reasons for these changes, linking them to national events. At the end of the unit, we will plan our own historical enquiry and research a local family.

In science, we are looking at circuits, batteries and switches. Using children’s prior knowledge of electrical circuits, we will  learn to draw conventional circuit diagrams and use models to explain current and voltage. Year 6 will make their own batteries, relate this to their knowledge of voltage and explore how battery research has impacted other scientific progress. We will investigate the use of switches and fuses and apply their electrical knowledge to design and produce their own electrical device.

This term we will also be working towards our Enterprise Event. The children will be collecting the money they have made from their ‘Grow a pound’ event.

In our PE session we will be developing our gymnastics skills with an external gymnastics coach. 

We will be reading Holes by Louis Sachar as our class book. We will be writing a range of genres based on the novel. We will write our own radio advert, an informal and formal letter and finally write  an extended rewrite of the book.

In Computing this term we will be looking at the Be Internet Legends pillar Be Kind. This is where the children will learn how to be kind online and what to do if someone is not. 

Our whole school Jigsaw theme this term is ‘Celebrating Difference’. This theme focuses on similarities and differences and teaches about diversity, such as disability, racism, power, friendships, and conflict. Children learn to accept everyone’s right to ‘difference’, and most year groups explore the concept of ‘normal’; bullying (what it is and what it isn’t, including cyber and homophobic bullying) is an important aspect of this theme.

Term 3 Summary

We start our term with a trip to M shed dressing up as evacuee children. We are very excited for a real life experience and to broaden our WW2 knowledge.

In Geography, we will be learning about time zones around the world while exploring natural resources and energy found in the United States and the United Kingdom. We will learn about renewable and non-renewable energy sources and the impacts these have on society, economy and environment. Then we will carry out a fieldwork investigation considering the best location for a solar panel on the school grounds.   

Alongside this, in our science lessons, we will be studying patterns through families, learning about characteristics that are inherited from parents and those that are environmental. Through the eyes of Darwin and Wallace, we will understand how observations lead to theories and explore natural selection. Through modelling the variation and natural selection of Darwin’s finches, we will explain how species evolve over time and incorporate fossil evidence that supports this theory.

In English we will be focusing our writing on Shackleton’s Journey: a story about an epic journey across Antarctica. It is illustrated and written by the talented William Grill, the story follows Ernest Shackleton through the unexplored south, on his trip to cross the vast south polar continent, Antarctica. We will be focusing on writing a narrative and looking at punctuating dialogue. 

This term we will also be doing Jigsaw learning about ‘Healthy Me.’

In PE we will be enjoying learning a new range of skipping skills. We will look at double dutch, butterfly and joint skipping. We will also be having indoor dance units to look forward to. 

In Computing this term we will be looking at the Be Internet Legends pillar Be Secure. This is where the children will learn how to protect their personal information. 

Term 2 Summary

In maths and English, we will be continuing to develop and embed key skills.

In the afternoons, we will be studying history this term, rather than geography, and our topic will be ‘What was the impact of World War 2 on the people of Britain?’. We will be looking at the following issues: Investigating the causes of WW2; learning about the Battle of Britain; investigating the impact of the Blitz and evacuation on people’s lives; and evaluating the effectiveness of primary sources.

In science, we will be looking at ‘Energy: light and reflection’. The key areas of study will be these: Proving that light travels in a straight line, children use this information to explain observations of reflection and shadows. Pupils investigate the effect of moving an object away from the surface it casts a shadow on and the relationship between the incoming and reflected rays on a mirrored surface. Exploring real uses of mirrors allow children to apply what they have learned about light throughout the unit.

In PE, we will be learning about the generic skills involved in Invasion games, and doing some gymnastics.

We will be designing, creating and evaluating cushion covers in DT and learning about the significance of Mary to Christianity in RE.


Term 2 Jigsaw theme – Dreams and Goals

Our whole school Jigsaw theme this term is ‘Dreams and Goals’ and lessons are delivered in an age-and-stage appropriate way for each year group from EYFS through to Year 6. This theme aims to help children think about their hopes and dreams, their goals for success, what personal strengths are and how to overcome challenges via team-work skills and tasks. Children learn about experiencing and managing feelings of pride, ambition, disappointment and success. They will have opportunities to share their aspirations, explore the dreams and goals of others in different cultures/countries and think about their own dreams for the world.

If you have any further questions regarding our ‘Dreams and Goals’ Jigsaw unit, please contact your child’s class teacher using the school email address.

Term 1 Summary

Year 6 have a busy start to the year. Year 6 camp will soon be here and we will be heading to Kilve Court for the week. 

In our first geography unit, we will be looking at the global population. We will be looking at these key questions:

How is the global population changing?
What are birth and death rates?
Why do people migrate?
How is climate change impacting the population?
How is population impacting our environment?


We will begin our learning by understanding what the census tells us about people living in our local area. We will then be focusing on Mary Bucktrout and will use the census to find out about a Victorian working family and working conditions in textile mills. 

In science this term we will be looking at classifying a range of animals both big and small. We will build on our knowledge of different animal groups and look at specific factors that categorsie animals.

In PE this term, we are lucky to be having martial art lessons led by Matt. We will also be developing our skills for a range of different invasion games in our outdoor sessions.